Can You Spot The Hidden Man In This 1880s Optical Illusion?

As we go through the day, we tend to give many things a passing glance. After all, we’re usually pretty busy. How are we supposed to look at the tiny details in every little thing?

Well, if these vintage optical illusions can teach us something, it’s that the closer we look, the more we’re able to really see interesting details — and what we end up spotting might really surprise us!

Optical illusions have been popular for a very long time. Back in the day, many companies used them as advertising. They were also a great way to spend time alone or with friends while trying to spot the images hidden in plain sight.

Just like the illustrated cards that came in cigar boxes, these optical illusions were really tiny pieces of art.

But do they hold up? Well, the answer seems to be yes! Recently, an image of a bear dating from the 1880s took the internet by storm.

At first, it just looked like an image of a bear’s head, but there was something else lurking in the lines and shading of its fur. Its title was “Where Is My Master?” The viewer’s task was to find the bear’s human “master” somewhere in the image.

The bear image isn’t the only one out there. There are many of these mind-bending optical illusions out there, and we’ve collected a few for you. We’ll get you started on the first few, but then you’re on your own!

Let us know if you were able to pick out the hidden images, or if these old brain teasers left you stumped!

vintage optical illusions

This image is making people all over the world scratch their heads and squint their eyes. Titled “Where Is My Master?,” it shows a bear in profile. But where’s the bear’s human?

Look carefully at the image and see if you can spot the bear’s human owner.

Give up? Click the image below to see where he’s hiding.

Did you find it?

vintage optical illusions

Let’s try another one. Like the bear picture, this image of a camel also holds a portrait of its rider. But he’s not on the camel’s back…

Were you expecting to find him there?

vintage optical illusions

This one is a little trickier, because there are several things to find. You see an image of a doctor, but can you find all of his patients?

vintage optical illusions

We’ll show you two of them, but see if you can find some more! (Hint: They’re everywhere!)

vintage optical illusions

Others take a slightly different approach. From one direction, they look like one thing. This image, for example, shows a rabbit. But what happens when it’s looked at from a new angle?

vintage optical illusions

It becomes a very different creature!

Now that you’re a pro at picking out hidden images, try out a few on your own.

vintage optical illusions

We’ll start off with something simple, like this floral scene that becomes something else when you look at it from farther away.

vintage optical illusions

How about this one? There’s a girl’s face hidden somewhere in this beautiful rose. Can you find her? (Hint: She’s upside-down!)

vintage optical illusions

How about helping this fellow find his lady love? Do you see her? (Hint: Look under his right arm!)

vintage optical illusions

How about a real challenge? Can you find 12 faces in this bouquet of flowers? There really are 12!

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